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Here's the next in our series of weekly managerial TIPS (Techniques, Insights, and Practical Solutions)
to help you better engage your team in the activities that lead to higher performance.

CORE Bites Issue #100
(November 100 [sic ], 2020)

Because of YOU I Grew!

Thank you!

As CORE Bites turns 100 today, I'd like to pause and say thank you for the hundreds of learning opportunities that have come as a result of your willingness to share your stories. Each week I receive email notes and anecdotes describing how the weekly theme or topic or message or HVA was put to use; how it solved a problem; or how it simply activated the thought process needed to overcome an obstacle or challenge.

By design, the range of topics covered by CORE Bites is very broad. It was (and still is) my hope that while each issue may not be relevant to every reader every time, that every reader will find relevance at various points along life's journey—and, hopefully, at exactly the right time when the need is greatest. This probably explains why it's different people each week who are impacted by the message.

One of my favorite science fiction authors, Robert Heinlein, stated "When one teaches, two learn." I think this is very appropriate here because while I hope that each CORE Bites will teach, I'm very aware—and very grateful—for your weekly emails because through your stories I learn. Thank you!

High Value Activity (HVA) Action Steps

The HVAs this week will be a series of 10 key learnings that have come directly from responses I've received over the past year. This vicarious learning has been an absolute joy for me; I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. Don't forget ... you can access all previous issues of CORE Bites in the archive library.

  • On ... Getting Results (Brandon G.): "Managing can be tricky and the rulebook can be a moving target. But what I've noticed is better managers get better results. You can't always measure this in weeks or in months, but it eventually emerges clear as daylight. As I've heard mentioned many times, 'When you're green, you grow; when you're ripe, you rot.' As per your message, my plan is to never get complacent. You are so right: Status-Quo is Status-Dead."
  • On ... Having All the Answers is NOT the Goal (Jennifer F.): "This message really resonated with me. When I was a brand-new manager I was always stressed out because I thought I always had to have the answer and so many times I didn't. I really felt inadequate. What I've learned since then is you don't need to know it all. You don't even need to pretend to know it all (no more 'fake it until you make it' ... LOL). To me the goal should be to inspire your team to FIND the answers."
  • On ... Never Have Important Conversations Over Email (Vignesh S.): "I always try to catch myself before I send an email to a team member that would be better delivered in person. Too much can get lost in writing especially when strong emotions are involved. In person (or virtually), you can convey so much more with facial expressions and body language and ensure that the individual is not left to stew on some component in my email when it could have all been settled in a moment. This type of conversation would be impossible to have asynchronously over email."
  • On ... LEADERS are READERS (Eric B.): "Your Breadth/Depth Learning message was perfect! In addition to your HVAs, I believe that someone who also reads regularly will be years ahead of someone learning only from their own experience. I focus on becoming well informed on a variety of subjects to give me 'breadth and depth.' I can't tell you how many times this has helped me both professionally and socially. The problem is time so I've had to discipline myself with a routine that I stick to. I read on the subway on my way to work every day so I'm always learning new things."
  • On ... Being Decisive (Jerry J.): "Yes! Great point this week. An uncomfortable reality for those of us who lead is that many people need decisions from us and if you can't make these decisions quickly, the organization is going to suffer. My strategy is to get high-level summaries, weigh the options and then make the call. In my opinion, no decision is worse than a wrong decision because inaction paralyzes my team; it prevents progress; and, if I do this too often, it impacts morale."
  • On ... Nothing Succeeds Like Failure™ (Josh P.): "Many years ago I had a mentor who told me 'don't be afraid to fail.' This was a tough one for me to get my head around because I thought failure meant I was a failure. But now I'm a big fan of Fail Fast because what I've experienced is the sooner you fail, the quicker you can abandon bad ideas and strategies. I loved your quote, 'You learn by trial and error ... not by trial and accuracy!' I'm going to hang that one on the wall."
  • On ... Developing People (Lori J.): "Love, love LOVE this! I have been 'crossing the stream' for quite some time. I have finally reached a place in my career that I could care less about my title. I just want to develop others and make a difference for the generous employer who has supported my family and me for over 26 years."
  • On ... Reinforcement that Resonates (Viktor): "I find delivering positive feedback when managing a virtual team to be challenging. I want them to know I appreciate their work but I don't want it to seem staged. What I've been doing lately is encouraging my team to give kudos to each other whenever and as often as they see fit. This seems to be having a positive impact. Your AFR [Activity Focused Reinforcement] message is a great way to deliver positive reinforcement that is authentic. The handwritten note card idea is also great. I'm going to commit to writing one handwritten card each week using specific activities that I've seen or heard about. I'll let you know how this turns out."
  • On ... Being a People Leader (Mounika S.): "You must like dealing with people to be great at managing. I think the types of people who become great managers genuinely like working with people. I see dealing with motivation issues and other people roadblocks as challenging but fulfilling to tackle. My satisfaction truly comes from watching others thrive and grow."
  • On ... Make Connecting with Others a Priority (Pam B.): "Another important lesson. Thank you. I think during COVID, we've lost touch with how important and valuable connections with other people are. And not just with work relationships. I think the greatest successes I've had have happened when I create a solid network of friends and colleagues. Each person in your network is a valuable member of your team (in life and work) and adds invaluable quality to your life. My take-away from your article is I'm going to reach out more frequently; I'm going to ask more questions; and I'm going to listen to people's stories so I can get to know them better."

I'd love to hear how these HVAs work for you!

Neil Dempster, PhD, MBA
RESULTant™ and Behavioral Engineer

Quote of the Week

"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."

— Lily Tomlin —
